

The fruit of an evergreen tree grown in the tropics is called cashews. Produced by this evergreen tree, it is a small seed that is hot and dry in nature and is native to Brazil. This nut is rich in copper and is essential for energy production and greater flexibility of blood vessels and joints. Almonds spoil quickly at room temperature and lose their properties and should be stored in the refrigerator.

Properties of Almonds

One of the properties of almonds is to increase heart health. Almonds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and many other beneficial compounds such as plant protein, dietary fiber, minerals such as copper, zinc and magnesium in addition to antioxidants in the form of phytosterols and phenolic compounds. Its ingredients are about 21% protein, 46% fat and 25% carbohydrates.

One of the key nutrients in cashew nuts is their healthy fat content; Because it is mainly composed of unsaturated fats in the form of monocyte and polycyclic unsaturated fatty acids. Approximately 62% of that fat is monounsaturated fat, 18% is polyunsaturated fat, and the rest is a combination of saturated fat.